HIWG Encampment
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Encampment Cadet Deputy Commander of Support

Message from the Desk of Hawaii Wing 7th Cadet Training Group Deputy Commander of Support - C/ 1st Lt Kayla Oliveria

7 March 2024

My name is Kayla Oliveria. I am a Junior at Hawaii Technology Academy and a Cadet First Lieutenant in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP).  I intend to apply for an executive cadre position at the 2024 Hawaii Wing (HIWG) Encampment.

The ability to learn nearly anything has always been one of my strongest qualities. I was born in Maryland to dual military active-duty parents, which is perhaps why my interest in military- and leadership-related activities started. Throughout my childhood, my family moved between Maryland and Hawaii on PCS orders, and I had varying opportunities in school and extracurricular activities in each state. For example, I had the chance to join a debate club in Maryland, and I addressed senators in Hawaii about a homeschool-related bill at the age of ten. Experiences such as these taught me interpersonal and public speaking skills, a foundation for future endeavors. When I joined CAP in 2022, I knew I wanted to be accepted to the Air Force Academy but had only a vague idea of the path to that end. I was an introverted, analytical ninth grader– but when I wanted to promote and attend activities, I needed to speak up rather than merely observe. So, I interacted with my peers, gained confidence, and studied. Then, I was offered a Flight Sergeant position in my squadron. In that, too, I was able to adapt and improve myself so that I was better equipped to handle the positions of First Sergeant and Deputy Commander.

In December 2023, I became Wheeler Composite Squadron Cadet Commander. In applying to a Deputy Commander position at the 2024 HIWG Encampment, I aim to bring what I have learned from my diverse experiences. I hope to motivate cadets to learn and excel toward their own goals.

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